Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Midnight Meat Train

So, I'm watching Midnight Meat Train right now, because I'm the kind of person who watches horror movies at 10 am. I thought this was going to be a very promising movie, but...It sucks so far. I'm just about halfway through it, and I'm bored. So I thought I'd write a little bit about it.

Eight people have died so far, and it's STILL not interesting. These characters have not even been introduced to us; I don't care so much if they die! The fourth kill, a little bit interesting, but still not very good. They've all pretty much died the same way, and there's almost no build-up.

There have sort of been two sex scenes so far, one of which involves the guy (I don't know his name because I don't care) pushing the girl (don't care about her name, either) over with a loud "THONK!" noise...It made me laugh so hard; it almost sounded like he cartoon-style knocked her out.

I couldn't really tell you what's going on right now, because it's really boring. The guy's a photographer, trying to capture gritty city life, and now...Now he's running away from a guy in a meat locker. I think I missed something.

Oh-oh-oh, now he's taking pictures of his girlfriend/pre-fiancée undressing, after she was like "OH MY GAWD STOP TAKING PICTURES OF THOSE HORRIBLE THINGS! TAKE PICTURES OF ME DON'T YOU LIKE ME PLEASE LIKE ME I LOVE YOU!!!" So he's taking the pictures of her, but he's remembering all the things that have happened while he's been taking the other pictures and he's like "I can't do it!" and she gets all upset because she thinks it's because she's fat or something (I don't know).

God this is stupid. But I have to finish it.

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